Building Wealth: Black Nurses Edition.

Building Wealth: Black Nurses Edition.

In my last building wealth as Black Nurses blog post, i talked about the importance of having financial security that can enable us Black nurses to live and retire comfortably and i also recommended books that one could read to get some inspiration towards starting that journey towards financial freedom.

At that time, i had just finished reading Professional trouble maker( for the 5th time) and had bought Rachel Rodgers’  We should all be millionaires after listening to her story on the professional troublemaker podcast( i truly recommend subscribing and listening to this podcast. It is full of gems and inspiring stories galore!). 

We should all be millionaires was an eye opener, not because it was the first time i was reading a book that was geared towards black women like me, but because it was jam packed with myth bursting, lie slaying facts about the lies we, as women, more so black women have been sold about money and our subsequent relationship with it and the systems that have been built to keep the status quo. I was truly floored! 

While i learnt a lot from the book, i was also keenly aware that it was mainly aimed at Sistas living in America and that most of the advice given would be near impossible to implement here in the U.K, especially as a Black woman. The whole system is set up in a way that is designed to keep you in your place class wise and race wise. I mean, how dare you try rise above your station and make something of yourself! That’s why most Black artists and business people, move to the U.S.A from the U.K to make it. But that is not to say all is lost!

As i tend to see all things through a Nursing lens, i thought of how i could combine all the knowledge from the books i had read, including consulting , and see how i could come up with ways to help Nurses, especially Nurses in Kenya, scale up their income away from the traditional bedside nursing, and after much brainstorming, i can say i have found a few, which i will be sharing within our groups.

If you would be interested, join our mailing list below to receive the log in link for the Zoom meeting where i will share the various ways you can use your Nursing/ Professional License to scale up your income and hopefully build a successful business and realise financial freedom and stability.


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The Busyness of DYING!

The Busyness of DYING!

How do we build wealth and financial security as Black Female Nurses?

How do we build wealth and financial security as Black Female Nurses?