A Bundle of Joy and a Great Sadness

A Bundle of Joy and a Great Sadness

It was the last week of Block 2 exams and we were busy revising, while waiting to find out where our next placements would be. I was also waiting for news about my friend who was due to give birth any day soon. I did not have to wait long, because, the afternoon of 30th August, she sent word that she was in labour and being a Nurse/Midwife and a Primigravida, she was waiting until her contractions were frequent before coming into hospital. So i waited anxiously .

Around 7pm, i was informed that she was at the maternity ward and was asking for me. The ward was full as it was baby boom season and we quickly settled her in but my friend had other ideas. in the absence of any pain relief, she decided to go crouch by the water tank. This water tank was the bane of all Nurses/Midwives as it was outside in a dark area with no light source, not to mention filthy, but labour pains made my friend forget all this. So we sat, cursed( she doing the cursing) while i cajoled her to please consider coming inside.

After hours and lengthy negotiations and her insistence that i not leave her side at all, i managed to get her into the delivery room for one last V.E to check her dilation progress, in between reassuring her husband that all was fine. At 8 cms it was almost time. Room prepared and delivery pack at the ready, it was time. Although tired and sleep deprived, given it was around 2 am next morning, i was excited that i was finally going to meet this bundle of joy. At 10cms, we ask her to push with the next contractions.

It soon becomes clear that an episiotomy is neccesary, she just wants it over with. Crowning, screaming, swearing with lots of encouragement, out pops the head with a great deal of lovely black hair. i remark at how lovely the mop of hair is, my friend goes into full meltdown. Turns out she wanted a bald child and refuses to push any further! we are stuck, she is determined to close her legs and go to sleep. We enter panic mode, appealing to maternal instincts not to harm the child. To please push so we can deliver the child safely.

She is having none of it! but at least she stays on her back. It's now all hands on deck or we lose the child. Hand on belly with next contraction two apply fundal pressure while the rest try to get the child safely out. Finally the child is safely delivered. All is well, she is tired but thrilled and both parents are happy to meet their Son. I am tired to say the least, sleep deprived and have exams in a couple of hours. I finally excuse myself with a promise to come back later to visit before they go home.

I walk back to the nursing school, its almost sunrise. Exams start at 8am and i have not slept a wink. As i pass by the dining hall, breakfast is being prepared. i relay the good news to the cooks. The telly is on and the News about Princess Diana’s death is being announced. As i climb the stairs to my room, shocked and numb. I am reminded of the reality of life: one life begining, whilst another one was ending!

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Are you Hustling backwards?!

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The Importance of Grieving!