How do you want to DIE?

Death, be it our own or a loved ones is something that causes a profound sense of loss to those that are close to us and can raise lots of questions and evoke emotions like guilt: How did they die? did they plan their death? Did we respect their wishes? How do i want my death to be?

As a society, and here i mean the British society, we tend to shy away from talking about death and dying.

We have compiled some information from two great Doctors about death and dying to get the conversation going and to make talking about death and dying less of a taboo but a part of normal life conversation.

Dr Kathryn Mannix is a Retired palliative care doctor. Writer: 'With the End in Mind', 'Listen.' Wants us to understanding dying more, fear it less, listen better.

Below is a powerful piece by her where she talks about dying and why we need to talk about death and dying.

Dr Kathryn Mannix talking about death and dying

Dr Linda Dykes also talks about the importance of having that conversation about CPR and how it is you want to die?

“CPR is not a treatment for #ordinarydying. Every instance of futile CPR - which is what will happen if nobody has sorted out the protection of a DNACPR for someone whose life is coming to an end - is a tragedy. Please, doctors, nurses, patients, families - #havetheconversation.”

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